Thursday, 17 February 2011

December 2010 – Baby Steps

We spent most of the month in Cambodia, coping with 35 C heat while back in poor old blighty it was so cold that Heathrow was closed for a few days. Wrong kind of snow on the runway or something. Looking at the BBC website we were wondering if our return flight just before New Year would happen.

So not a lot would have happened on the barn even if we had managed to make a start.

Before we went away we took our first tentative steps towards becoming property developers - bought a Container and had it delivered to site. We’ve also bought various bits n bobs in preparation for Day One – hard hats, first aid kit, safety notices, site diary, visitors book, accident book. Bat Boxes. Following the advice in the Self Builder’s Bible, we’ve also laid in temporary water and electricity supplies for the builder, and investigated suppliers of portable loos. Beginning to feel real. And a bit scary.

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