Thursday 13 September 2012

Week Fifty Five – A Moving Experience

At the beginning of the week - still no water supply. No heating. No sewage.
And the removal firm has been booked for the middle of the week. We've given notice on our present accomodation  that we're moving out. And we're on an aeroplane half way round the world come the weekend. So, come hell or high water we're moving in this week. If the worst comes to the worst we could move our furniture in and go and live in a hotel for a few days before flying off. But we really really really don't want to do that. We really don't.

We went out on a limb by booking the consultant to come and commission ground source heat pump at the beginnng of the week. That was a few weeks ago, before the heat pump was even plumbed in and before we had a water supply. And then our plumber went off sick. Gulp.

Anyway, so far, so good. The assistant plumber has managed to get it all in, literally one day before the commissioning date.

Commissioning the sewage treatment plant. Second only to having a decent water supply is having decent sewage disposal. In our case we’re having a treatment plant, as opposed to a septic tank. Which has a motor in it to drive the stirring mechanism which promotes the growth of the bacteria, or whatever, which does the treatment bit.  Can't say I'd fancy climbing in there ...


Cometh the day, cometh the removal man. Here's our furniture arriving at the front door. Only problem is the soakaway for the heat pump is overflowing so I'm taken up with trying to get that fixed while the removal men do their bit. And I've asked the builder to come back and help ...


Didn't know know where to put the stuff so the family room seemed a reasonable placefor the piano and one of the setees.


Managed to empty a few of the crates so they can go back.


So, now we're in.

We’ve got a water supply, albeit subject to teething troubles. The softened water tastes of salt but fortunately we did specify a hard water tap in the kitchen so we use that for drinking water for now. There also seems to be a problem with the Iron/Manganese filter as the water is a bit yellow.

And there's still all the landscaping, garden walls and fencing, garage to finish, not to mention decoration inside. But we're in. Phew.

And finally